Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Current Events

In class, we were assigned to print out a science related article. My article has to do with the worlds largest radio telescope, the Square Kilometer Array(SKA). This article was about extratterrestrial life may being detected by Square Kilometer Array telescope. Also, 3,000 dishes will be used to spread over South Africa and Australia. This is bidding to host the project will which will start in 2016. There is a possibility that this will take place in South Africa and Australia. This construction is supposed to start in 2016. This happend to uncover the secrets of the history and future of the universe. This is a great way to learn more about the world!

I feel strongly towards this article. I think it a good idea. It will help us discover more about our history and what might be coming in the future. The telescope will shed new light on dark matter, blackholes, stars, and galaxies. This is awesome because we will discover things we never did before. Also, alien life might be detected. It would be cool if scientist discoverd that there are aliens. It will involve twenty countries and seventy institutes. It will provide a tremendous amount of data. This is benefitial because science teachers will have more to teach and students will have more knowledge. It's attracted a lot of young people into science and math in Africa. It's always good to learn knew things and it's great that Africa is taking an interest in learning more.



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