Friday, December 16, 2011

Frog Dissection

Yesterday, In class I dissected a female frog. This showed us how the inside of our human body looks. I learned that if the human and the frog have the same part, they have the same function. For example, the stomach in both of our bodies has the same function. This function is the break down food in the process of digestion. The liver produces bile in both of our bodies. Although, the stench was gross, I learned a handful. Also, because we got a female frog, we had to remove the eggs. I thought that the eggs would be in little clumps in certain areas, but they were through out the entire frog! It took a while to take out, but you need to in order to see all the other organs because the eggs are covering them. I thought the liver was really cool. It was three different sections. I thought it would be just one. My group also opened the mouth and took the tongue out! I imagined all frogs having the long tongue to catch flies. This frog had a human shaped tongue in a smaller size. I know that the frogs food had digested or the frog had not eaten any food because when we cut open the stomach it was empty. I actually wanted something to be in the stomach so that I could see what the frog we dissected liked to eat. I feel that this frog dissecting lab was very helpful. Now I get a better understanding of what the inside of my body looks like. All in all, I would love to dissect another frog to see if there are any differences in it.

Also, while doing this lab, my emotions about the frog changed several times. When we first got the frog, I thought I was going to throw up. The stench of the frog was so strong. When we cut open the frog, it was filled with eggs. It looked gross because it looked like there were little bugs in the frog. That part scared me. I disgusted when we had to take the eggs out. They were gewy and stuck to each other. They were all over the frog. I thought the liver was really cool. It reminded me of a shamrock because of the three parts. I imagined the heart to be much bigger than it was. That surprised me. I thought it would be as big as the stomach was. Speaking of stomach, there was nothing in our frogs stomach when we opened it. This dissapointed me. In conclusion, this lab was really cool and fun. It's a great way to learn about the human body! I would not mind dissecting another animal.


CITATIONS:,r:2,s:0&tx=70&ty=54 FROG,r:1,s:0 EGGS

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