Thursday, December 22, 2011

Extra Credit #3

Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom

        The quote above can mean many things. To me it means if you get proper education, you will get all the freedom in the world because you know whats going on and what you need. In life, you are nothing without education. If you are not educated people can use you. Also, when you go shopping and if you get the wrong change back, you will not realize it. Education is the key to success. You will make the money you do with education you have. This is what the quote means to me.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Frog Dissection

Yesterday, In class I dissected a female frog. This showed us how the inside of our human body looks. I learned that if the human and the frog have the same part, they have the same function. For example, the stomach in both of our bodies has the same function. This function is the break down food in the process of digestion. The liver produces bile in both of our bodies. Although, the stench was gross, I learned a handful. Also, because we got a female frog, we had to remove the eggs. I thought that the eggs would be in little clumps in certain areas, but they were through out the entire frog! It took a while to take out, but you need to in order to see all the other organs because the eggs are covering them. I thought the liver was really cool. It was three different sections. I thought it would be just one. My group also opened the mouth and took the tongue out! I imagined all frogs having the long tongue to catch flies. This frog had a human shaped tongue in a smaller size. I know that the frogs food had digested or the frog had not eaten any food because when we cut open the stomach it was empty. I actually wanted something to be in the stomach so that I could see what the frog we dissected liked to eat. I feel that this frog dissecting lab was very helpful. Now I get a better understanding of what the inside of my body looks like. All in all, I would love to dissect another frog to see if there are any differences in it.

Also, while doing this lab, my emotions about the frog changed several times. When we first got the frog, I thought I was going to throw up. The stench of the frog was so strong. When we cut open the frog, it was filled with eggs. It looked gross because it looked like there were little bugs in the frog. That part scared me. I disgusted when we had to take the eggs out. They were gewy and stuck to each other. They were all over the frog. I thought the liver was really cool. It reminded me of a shamrock because of the three parts. I imagined the heart to be much bigger than it was. That surprised me. I thought it would be as big as the stomach was. Speaking of stomach, there was nothing in our frogs stomach when we opened it. This dissapointed me. In conclusion, this lab was really cool and fun. It's a great way to learn about the human body! I would not mind dissecting another animal.


CITATIONS:,r:2,s:0&tx=70&ty=54 FROG,r:1,s:0 EGGS

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

As the Stomach Churns Paragraph

       In class, we worked on a lab which taught us how our stomach worked. We labeled four different tubes from A-D on day one. We put pepsin, a meat tenderizer, and hydrochloric acid in the test tubes. On day two, we observed the test tubes to see the changes that happened over-night. We took a straw and poked each test tube with it and then swiped the straw on litmus to see what color the paper turned. For test tubes for two of the four test tubes, nothing changed. For the other two test tubes the products in the test tubes changed the litmus to a pink color. This is because these were the test tubes that had hydrochloric acid in them. This lab shows how our stomach works. The digestive system is very slow. It is able to break down food we eat with enzymes and acids. This is what we have been learning for the past two days in the lab.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Chicken Wing Blog

         In science class, we did an experiment by dissecting a chicken wing. We saw how the wing stretches out when a muscle is pulled. We saw the fats in the chicken. The fats keep the chicken warm when its cold. While the chicken was dissected we saw the cartilage, bone marrow and the ligament. Chickens have many things in common with us. We both have muscle, fat, bone marrow and many other things. We barely have anything not in common. Chickens have wings, and we don't. The dissection did gross  me out  a little but I learned many things in this lab.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Diffusion Lab paragraph

     The diffusion lab was very interesting. Our group learned many new things. The group found a few difficulties to the lab. The classes first and second try was unsuccessful. The third try worked better. The purpose of this lab was to  observe the diffusion, which is the process by which molecules move from an area of higher concentration. My group found that the substance was isotonic. This means, its equal in the solution combination. We also, diluted the cornstarch with water and made the liquid thinner so that it was a water consistency. Then the group put the cornstarch in with the iodine. The substance became purple. The molecules were very concentrated in the baggie. they all combined and made purple water. The word concentrated is a place where lots of molecules are impacted. Basically, this means that the indicator changed color to purple. The iodine was hyper tonic, which means there was more iodine than cornstarch and the water mixture, which makes the water and cornstarch hypo tonic, which is less than. This was the purpose of the Diffusion Lab.
     Next, in this lab water, iodine, and cornstarch were implied. The water was used to put in the iodine. The iodine was used to put in the water to change the color of the cornstarch. The cornstarch was used to show what happened to the iodine and the cornstarch. The cornstarch turned purple and the water became normal color, clear. The water became a yellow orange color. the cornstarch and water mixture became a purple color. In the teachers lab, the iodine had all gone into the cornstarch and water mixture. The water then was normal, clear. This was the analyzes of the Diffusion Lab.
      Then, this lab has made a few connections to life. One connection is that when you mix Kool-Aid into water, the molecules mix together freely. This is just like when the water, cornstarch and the iodine was mixed together. Another example is when sweat evaporates into the skin and the water diffuses into the atmosphere. Next, oxygen diffuses from the air sacs in your lungs into your blood capillary. Lastly, when you bake and when the aroma hits your nose the molecules have gone into the air. This is how you  can smell the food your baking. These are some life connections. This is what the Diffusion Lab was.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


     During the Diffusion Lab, I noticed many things and had a few questions as well. A question I have is, why did the iodine make the cornstarch a light purple color? What caused it? Something I learned during this lab is, that we were unsuccessful on our first try, so what was the cause of that? When we did it a second time, it worked better. These were some of the things I wondered and discovered during the Diffusion Lab.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Chemical Suspected in Cancer Is in Baby Products

        Over thirty years after chemical flame retardants were removed from children's pajamas because they were suspected of being carcinogens. More research shows that a chemical is prevalent in baby products that have polyurethane foam including nursing pillows, car seats and highchairs. The research does not tell if the chemical has been absorbed by children. But it does tell that researchers suggest that infants who use the products have higher exposure to the chemical than the government recommends. They found chlorinated Tris, in children’s pajamas in the 1970s. Although, it was not banned at the time. The Consumer Product Safety Commission now says that it “may pose a significant health risk to consumers.” Researchers found that 1/3 of baby products were tested and contained chlorinated Tris.  Eighty of the products had chemical flame retardants of some kind. Some are considered toxic, but legal to use. Among the products examined were changing table pads, sleep positioners, portable mattresses, baby carriers, rocking chairs and highchairs.  Fourteen products had the flame retardant TCEP, which the State of California describes as a cancer. It got banned in many countries, but not the United States but some states including New York. Overall toxic chemicals  are in our homes at high levels; and right now, people don’t know much about it. California standard, passed in 1975, requires that polyurethane foam in upholstered furniture be able to withstand an open flame for 12 seconds without catching fire. It's becoming much better.

Work Cited:
May 17, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

Black Bears

   The study has found that black bears have only killed sixty-three (63) people over the United States through Canada in the past 109 years. Bears that kill are not always mothers who are trying to save their cubs. Most of the time bears attack you because there looking for a prey to eat. Ninety-two percent of those bears are male. However, when a mother bear feels threatened the will get aggressive. They make loud sounds and they they swat the ground with their paws and run at people. They try to make you think that they will eat you but they usually stop. It tests you out as a possible prey item. It follows you like a lion. Eighty-six percent of attacks occurred 1960-2009. Not as many bears are there today to come and attack you.

This is a bear about to attack

Work Cited:
May 13,2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lit. Poems

"The Car"
Brown Bomber
Old, faded
Rusting, chipping, running
Comfy, big, new bright
Speeding, cruising, flying
Flashy, luxurious

Rude, mean, disrespectful
Who loves to bully children
Who feels strongly about being cool
Who needs to gain respect
Who shares his thoughts with Buphead
Who fears of going to Granda Sands house
Who'd like to see children cry and be upset because of him
Who dreams of being "daddy cool"
Who ends up with respect for the people around him


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Toothpick Fish Analysys

Toothpick Fish Analysys

         I took and analyzed data for the four generations. In the first generation, I had eight green fish, one red fish and three orange fish. In the second generation, I had seven green fish, one red fish, one yellow fish and three orange fish. In the third generation, I had six green fish, one red fish, one yellow fish and three orange fish. In the fourth generation, where there was the environmental disaster I had seven green fish, one red fish and three orange fish. The population changed bacause in the environment that these fish live in, it is green where the green fish can easlily camouflage. The red and orange fish hide very well in the colors of algae and seaweed. Sadly, the yellow fish can be seen by their predetors and are eaten. The fish that are dead get put into the morgue. Because these fish got eaten the population changed and the population of fish decreased.
           The environmenmental impact of the fish pond is that these fish are being eaten! Now the fish population has decreased. This means that there would be less offsprings. Also, after the environmental disaster the green fish also got eaten. the algae and seaweed died. Because the fish food died there is a possibility that some of the other colored fish could have died from starvation. If some fish had offsprings the offsprings could have also died because they couldn't camouflage or from starvation. This was a huge environmental impact. If this project were changed my predection would be take all information independantly.Instead of losing the fish we could increase the amount of fish we have. This is how I think we could change the Toothpick Fish project.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

New Planet in Universe, Similar to Earth

    There has always been talk about more plants in our universe, outside of the 9 common planets that we are aware of. However, up till now, none of these new planets have been of that much importance because they weren't made up of a solid base. Just recently, scientists discovered a planet called Kepler-10b which orbits the star Kepler 10. This planet, which is 565 light-years away, unlike other planets that have been found to be made of gas, is solid. It resembles earth more than any other planet. It is more than forty times the size of the earth and orbits so close to the star that it is extremely hot. I find this interesting because this is the first time that a planet was found that is solid and rocky, just like earth that we live on. This could mean that there may be other planets out there similar to this. It could also mean that there could be other life forms on this planet. Finding a planet like this is the first step in finding new life in the universe.

Work Cited:

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thousands of birds mysteriously fall to the ground

There's been some strange behavior occurring in the state of Arkansas. Similar to the events in the show 'Flash Forward', there have been thousands of black birds falling from the sky to their death. Investigators have not been able to determine the true cause of death for these birds. There have been investigations going on and the team has observed that the birds are falling only in a specific area of the city, 1.5 kilometers in. There has been some theories that the cause could be that the birds, which flew together, could have been hit by lightning or hit by hail. Big fireworks done during the new year could have also been a possibility. Similarly, there have also been birds that fell from the sky in in the same manner in Faena city, province of Ravenna, Italy. It makes you wonder if this is all just a coincidence or if there is something involving the supernatural going on. Now scientists and other investigators will take a closer look at this mystery to try and figure out the true cause.

The reason I was interested in this story was because I used to watch the show Flash Forward on TV and there was a similar incident that occurred in that show. In the show, soon after the birds had fallen from the sky, the people of the entire world had also blacked out for 2 minutes, giving them a quick glimpse into the future. This really fascinated me and I think it would be really cool if such a thing happened in our real world. I will be keeping track and paying close attention to the follow up of this story to see what the actual cause was.

Work Cited