Saturday, January 29, 2011

New Planet in Universe, Similar to Earth

    There has always been talk about more plants in our universe, outside of the 9 common planets that we are aware of. However, up till now, none of these new planets have been of that much importance because they weren't made up of a solid base. Just recently, scientists discovered a planet called Kepler-10b which orbits the star Kepler 10. This planet, which is 565 light-years away, unlike other planets that have been found to be made of gas, is solid. It resembles earth more than any other planet. It is more than forty times the size of the earth and orbits so close to the star that it is extremely hot. I find this interesting because this is the first time that a planet was found that is solid and rocky, just like earth that we live on. This could mean that there may be other planets out there similar to this. It could also mean that there could be other life forms on this planet. Finding a planet like this is the first step in finding new life in the universe.

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thousands of birds mysteriously fall to the ground

There's been some strange behavior occurring in the state of Arkansas. Similar to the events in the show 'Flash Forward', there have been thousands of black birds falling from the sky to their death. Investigators have not been able to determine the true cause of death for these birds. There have been investigations going on and the team has observed that the birds are falling only in a specific area of the city, 1.5 kilometers in. There has been some theories that the cause could be that the birds, which flew together, could have been hit by lightning or hit by hail. Big fireworks done during the new year could have also been a possibility. Similarly, there have also been birds that fell from the sky in in the same manner in Faena city, province of Ravenna, Italy. It makes you wonder if this is all just a coincidence or if there is something involving the supernatural going on. Now scientists and other investigators will take a closer look at this mystery to try and figure out the true cause.

The reason I was interested in this story was because I used to watch the show Flash Forward on TV and there was a similar incident that occurred in that show. In the show, soon after the birds had fallen from the sky, the people of the entire world had also blacked out for 2 minutes, giving them a quick glimpse into the future. This really fascinated me and I think it would be really cool if such a thing happened in our real world. I will be keeping track and paying close attention to the follow up of this story to see what the actual cause was.

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