Sunday, October 23, 2011

Chicken Wing Blog

         In science class, we did an experiment by dissecting a chicken wing. We saw how the wing stretches out when a muscle is pulled. We saw the fats in the chicken. The fats keep the chicken warm when its cold. While the chicken was dissected we saw the cartilage, bone marrow and the ligament. Chickens have many things in common with us. We both have muscle, fat, bone marrow and many other things. We barely have anything not in common. Chickens have wings, and we don't. The dissection did gross  me out  a little but I learned many things in this lab.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Diffusion Lab paragraph

     The diffusion lab was very interesting. Our group learned many new things. The group found a few difficulties to the lab. The classes first and second try was unsuccessful. The third try worked better. The purpose of this lab was to  observe the diffusion, which is the process by which molecules move from an area of higher concentration. My group found that the substance was isotonic. This means, its equal in the solution combination. We also, diluted the cornstarch with water and made the liquid thinner so that it was a water consistency. Then the group put the cornstarch in with the iodine. The substance became purple. The molecules were very concentrated in the baggie. they all combined and made purple water. The word concentrated is a place where lots of molecules are impacted. Basically, this means that the indicator changed color to purple. The iodine was hyper tonic, which means there was more iodine than cornstarch and the water mixture, which makes the water and cornstarch hypo tonic, which is less than. This was the purpose of the Diffusion Lab.
     Next, in this lab water, iodine, and cornstarch were implied. The water was used to put in the iodine. The iodine was used to put in the water to change the color of the cornstarch. The cornstarch was used to show what happened to the iodine and the cornstarch. The cornstarch turned purple and the water became normal color, clear. The water became a yellow orange color. the cornstarch and water mixture became a purple color. In the teachers lab, the iodine had all gone into the cornstarch and water mixture. The water then was normal, clear. This was the analyzes of the Diffusion Lab.
      Then, this lab has made a few connections to life. One connection is that when you mix Kool-Aid into water, the molecules mix together freely. This is just like when the water, cornstarch and the iodine was mixed together. Another example is when sweat evaporates into the skin and the water diffuses into the atmosphere. Next, oxygen diffuses from the air sacs in your lungs into your blood capillary. Lastly, when you bake and when the aroma hits your nose the molecules have gone into the air. This is how you  can smell the food your baking. These are some life connections. This is what the Diffusion Lab was.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


     During the Diffusion Lab, I noticed many things and had a few questions as well. A question I have is, why did the iodine make the cornstarch a light purple color? What caused it? Something I learned during this lab is, that we were unsuccessful on our first try, so what was the cause of that? When we did it a second time, it worked better. These were some of the things I wondered and discovered during the Diffusion Lab.